Thursday, December 16, 2010

Allegory of chastity?

Gosh, got reminded again, tonight hahahaa after along and meaningful chat, that im really an old school uncle mentality, really outdated liao, hahaha..

The subject is premarital sex, yes i still believe protecting one's virtuous,
Chastity among couples or friends are values i uphold from a time since high school,
not sure why, but i just grow up with such strong feelings towards it...

Being a man, most of u must start swearing Bullshit , or even laughing at me for that matter, yup, I AM STILL A VIRGIN. So what i say, of course i do pleasure myself, its perfectly normal and healthy to love yourself and provide self needed comfort. But having sex openly, or even one night stand just never gone to my mind.

No doubt as a normal healthy male, every now and then i have fantasy towards this, but being a strong will person i believe myself to be. Controls over such lust are of no big matter, call me timid, old timer, or even conservative, but even with consent from any partner if i don't feel the right amount of fondness and serious commitment of love towards such person, i will not take the next steps.

Yes, im still a young, healthy, horny man, so how do i control myself? How can i resist all the offer of sex buddy, rave party with friends? I just see the bigger picture, kua i guess... and i do have a porn collections for self ,,,ahem... Recreation.. the secret is balance. So it wont become an obsession nor addictions.

Yup , i am such a romantic fool, still believe in passion of love, not passion of lust.
Thats why i rather go have casual dating every now and then and yet not end up DRINKING COFFEE with the partner if u get what i mean. I enjoy the company , the passion, the spark of each date, instead of looking forward to the rewards of sex at the end of the dates.

To me , a Romantic outing and interactions during dates are things i cherish more than sex.
Some call it native, for a person never truly experience sex before with a partner, making such an old school conclusion. But to me, most important things for me is my happiness and my partner, if we both have the most wonderful experience during the date, it will carries on and makes us attract to each other more if there were a strong sparks occurs, hence we will look forwards to the next date, and so forth....

There are things to look forward to, so the unknown and unexpected will generate a spark of interest ,passion, and chemistry in any relationship, i so ask why end the whole experience by having sex in the first or few dates to begin with?

Here are some reminders i keep to myself to maintain will and sanity so far..
*Safe sex still promotes casual sex, and hence responsibility lines sometimes fades easily
*Without casual sex, one can prevent the risk of STD infection.
*One will have pure and positive mentality towards everything or everyone in life, not every actions taken , was just to get into her pants.
*When the time comes, having sex first time with your committed partner will spring more excitement and satisfaction.
*Relationship will be tested, on the will power of each parties towards future temptations.Hence better understanding towards your spouse.
*Its cool to be a guy in control of himself over his lust and emotion than rather letting them controls u....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sleep derived , hope declined

For a week past been working like a horsey, lacking sleep really doesn't help either,

Can't sleep well, not sure why just wide awake... dreams lots of dreams... couldn't recall them though...

Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening. Unless one has placed oneself on the side of the oppressed, to feel with them, one cannot understand.
Simone Weil 

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

For a dear friend of mine....find your path, i believe in you..

The Road Less Traveled
How often we must bear the challenges of life;
The endless roller coaster between happiness and sorrow;
The constant ups and downs of daily strife.
And always the question remains .... why?

Life is not an easy road for most;
It twists and turns with many forks in the road,
Although always, and inevitably, we are given a choice ...

Do we turn to the right ... or the left?
Do we take the high road ... or the low road?
Do we take the easy path ... or the difficult one?

Decisions are not easy for those struggling for direction ...
And sometimes the many choices and signs become overwhelming.

While standing at a crossroads in life,
The urge is to take the most comfortable path;
The road with least resistance ...
The shortest or most traveled route.

And yet, if we've been down that comfortable road before;
Have gleaned its lessons in life, and learned from our experiences;

Do we yet again follow the known?
Or does our destiny lie in another direction?

The fear of the road less traveled is tangible and all too real;
It manifests itself in many ways,
And tends to cloud the issues that might otherwise be clear.

It is in these times of confusion,
That we must seek peace and solitude;

Time to contemplate on our life,
Our experiences and our choices past;
Time to look back, and reflect on what we have learned
Without fear or confusion.

For only each of us knows our own personal thoughts;
Our unique past and personal history;
The experiences that brought us to the crossroads we now face.

We can always learn a small degree from others experiences,
And yet ... no one person can walk in our shoes,
Others know not, the trials and tribulations faced in private ...

For each is individual ... unique ... and personal.

And that is why ... while standing at a crossroads,
Only "we" can formulate the decision for ourselves;
The true direction that lies within;
The choices we must deliberate on with clarity and wisdom.

For it is only through personal reflection,
That we can now choose our destiny;
... Our next adventure;
... And the future we will embrace.