Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Paradise Dream Come True

The dream is over, Bali was like a figment of my imagination, its so good to be true
,so beautiful , so wonderful that i yet to accept the fact i able to experience it myself...
But is all over.... im now back to reality.. back to the boring old city life....

I was amazed over there.... as how patient and friendly the locals Balinese are , whilst they are rich in culture and history,
they were also god fearing religous people. Most of the time i hate massive assimilation of society using religion....
muslim countries i seen are nothing but terrorism to me... destroy all other assimilation the rest....but not Bali,
as their country are of 80% Hindus, i never knew with a proper religion shape overall society to the better
nation... this has be proven and shown to me right in the face....

Its truely amazing... after couple of nights i felt Bali is a place where i can truely relax of not being mug,
not having a fear of any negative thoughs ever occurs while u are staying in malaysia.
The way the drive are so polite and patient, its truely makes us discomfort at first, as this is only occurs out of fantasy for the
common folks over malaysia.... you hardly see any police over there...

Now i truely understands why westerners treat this Bali as a heavenly paradise... it is indeed....

Im gonna save up for my next visit... i miss my paradise...

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