Saturday, November 27, 2010

Much better , much lesser

Thanks to my lovely date, i had a wonderful dinner, at a wonderful place..... mood much better today....but weather still gloomy , just found out 2 of my friends have problem far worse than my petty emo period... i'm worried for them and try my best to be with them...

Again i'm reminded by Fate ,how... life is frail , unpredictable and time is indeed precious, we need to held em' close, and cherish every moments... but....

My hearts seeks things it wants, yet my mind forbids it.... how can i move on , i wonder.... , to the path my heart desired...

Sitting still never my strong suite.... i end up tormenting myself with wild thoughts... haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzz........ when will i find the lights at the end of this tunnel....

time to go back to work....

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