Sunday, November 7, 2010

A new decision , a burst of new emotions~~

Brains process logic, decision made , action taken, motion initiated ...... outcome?

Better than i expected, or not as worse as i projected.

Optimism , confidences , and faith is what drives me, but emotions is what confuses me, being a man of logic and positive thinking most of the time, i find it at times in rather self conflict most of the time.

Emotions contribution to one's decision making, is it a good thing ?Should i be emotional in decision making or having nothing at all, is better?

In the end, there is no rectify way to make absolute judgement in life as human beings are created imperfect ,in this core of flaws and impurities is what defines us as an unique individual.

So i tell myself why worry about what is the right amount of emotions should i let myself indulge in when making decisions... but rather have the same faith and confidences in myself, that i decide out of me , no one else. and that decision is always positive and of pure genuine honesty ...

Hence i think of it as , keeping the right balance of emotions and logic helps me drive my motions so far to be swift and accurate ...

I truely believe "There is always a silver lining , somewhere" So to all my friends and family, trust yourself ... be honest to your emotions, embrace it , acknowledged it ,cherish it but don't let it controls you, rather you controls them.

Live life to the fullest without regrets and take actions now don't indulge too long to miss out what fates has to offer~~~

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”

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